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来源:南靖人才网 时间:2020-11-11 作者:南靖人才网 浏览量:

1. The starting salary I require is HK$6,500 per month. 待遇方面,本人希望月薪六千五百港币起薪。

2. I require a salary of $4,500 a month to begin with. 本人希望,月薪四千五百元起薪。

3. The salary I require would be $60,000 a year, plus one percent commission on all sales. 关于薪金,本人要求年薪六万元,同时希望获得销售额1%的分红。

4. My desired starting salary is 10,000 yuan. 本人希望起薪10,000元。

5.I require a monthly salary of 12,000 yuan, plus housing. 希望待遇月薪一万二千元,提供宿舍。

6. I require a commencing salary of 9,600 yuan a month. 本人希望,月薪九千六百元起薪。

7. I am quite willing to start at a small salary. 起薪少一点,本人并不计较。

8. In regards to salary, Ill leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kind of work I can do. 关于薪金,请考验本人的工作后再作定夺。

9. However, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, as it always does, if other things are all right. 不过,如其他条件具备,薪水问题自会解决。

10. I am willing to work on a trial basis for a small salary for several months, if necessary. 试用期内,本人愿意薪水低一点。

0596-2288480 2886665
工作日 8:30-18:00

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